Every computer's network interface has a unique identifer called a MAC address. It is a 12 digit hexadecimal number usually delimted by colons, e.g. ab:01:23:ef:45:dc. Both wired and wireless network interfaces have these addresses.
The Macintosh (mainly Mac since 1998) is a family of personal computers designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Inc. Since January 1984. The original Macintosh is the first successful mass-market personal computer to have featured a graphical user interface, built-in screen, and mouse. Apple sold the Macintosh alongside its popular Apple II, Apple III, and Apple Lisa families of computers. Apr 03, 2018 We're assuming that you already own a wired Xbox controller, but if you're needing to buy, a standard controller is about $50. You'll need to connect it to your Mac using a microUSB cable which, sadly, isn't included. If you buy a third-party wired controller you won't have to worry about this. Next, follow these steps.
For PCs running Windows 7 and earlier, Go to Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > DOS Command Prompt. Type cmd. For PCs running Windows 8 and later, launch the 'Command' program by searching for it in your applications list. When the command window appears, type ipconfig /all. The Physical Address value for your ethernet card is your MAC address. Make sure you're looking at your ethernet interface and not your wireless interface.
Type 'networksetup -listallhardwareports'. The 'Ethernet Address' field for the ethernet hardware port is your MAC address.
Type ip link in a terminal window. The link/ether field associated with your ethernet interface is your MAC address.