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This document is a Mac OS X manual page. Manual pages are a command-line technologyfor providing documentation. You can view these manual pages locally using theman(1) command.These manual pages come from many different sources, and thus, have a variety of writingstyles. For more information about the manual page format, see the manual page for manpages(5). |
MAC'S Hardware; 5970 50th Ave. S; Moorhead, MN 56560; Phone: 1-800-373-6227. For earlier versions of Mac OS X, including Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9, Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8, Mac OS X Lion 10.7, Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6, Mac OS X Leopard 10.5, Mac OS X Tiger 10.4, and before, the process to obtain those installers differs a bit. Downloading Mac OS X. Some our other sites that you can take much advantage from: MacDownload.ORG: Download Mac Software, App & Games Full version.; AdobeDownload.ORG: Download Premium assets: Photoshop actions, Lightroom Presets, After Effects Templates, Premier Pro Transitions. LUTs, Sound Effects, and many Tutorial Courses. Design-Assets.COM: Premium assets for 2D & 3D Design (Torrent share). Browse the newest, top selling and discounted macOS supported games.
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Installing Mu on macOS is super easy.
Mu will run on any machine running macOS version 10.13 High Sierra or later. There is advice on Apple’s website on how to check your macOS version.
The following (silent) video demonstrates this process on Mac OS Catalina:
When you open the installer you’ll be asked to accept the software licenseagreement and then your computer will verify the package is not corrupted (thismay take a couple of minutes).
Mu will install into the Applications folder on your Mac.
Press the CTRL button and click on the Mu icon. You’ll see a dialog to checkyou want to open Mu. Click “Open”:
This can take some time as OSX checks the Mu package, but you’ll only ever have to do it once.
Updates to the way OSX works means that when you open Mu for the first time you need to tell your operating system that you trust the application. The simple solution is to CTRL-click the Mu application in your 'Applications' folder and then select 'Open'. If you don't you'll just see a warning pop-up (shown in the video at the top of this page).
If you're running Catalina then you might have to give the app permission to access USB mounted devices. To do that: